Thursday, August 16, 2012

(Almost) Friday Frank: Barcelona, 1988--THE WHOLE SHOW

Oh my goodness, what a treat, what a lovely way to wind down the first week of the school year, what a trip down memory lane, what a pleasure it is to have Maestro Zappa's music pour out of my laptop as the rain falls and the steam rises this evening. *HUGE sigh*

This is obviously quite long. If you're in a hurry, scoot to the 21.00 mark and watch one of Frank's transcendent guitar solos.

Even if you only speak a little Spanish, you'll probably be able to understand the reporter's introduction: she's speaking a variant of Castillian dialect, which goes at a slower pace!

Wishing you an early Bon Weekend.



  1. I presume you get to preview these comments before they show up on line. I was concerned to see that I have been deleted as one of your facebook friends. I hope I haven't offended you, and also, that you are well. Please drop me a line at mitch at schapira dot org and let me know what is up. Thanks from a concerned friend.

    1. Mitch, my blog is back up, and my comments are open, until and unless people abuse them. I've been fortunate to not have that happen. My FB account is where I go to share things with online & offline friends and family, not to be lectured at and told in so many words that there is something wrong with me for being a pacifist. I don't bend principles--at least I try my damnedest not to--and when I say I abhor war and stand for peace, I mean it. No matter who is the warmonger or the attacked.

      You said you can't get your head around pacifists, then attempted to rationalize war for the sake of preventing violence.

      I realized that, as with a few other FB friends I do not know (or have to deal with) in real life, I find myself trying to defend my principles to people whose own principles are indefensible and, moreover, who don't truly get me. Fair enough. But this is stress that no-one, least of all someone trying to claw her way to a place of stability and happiness, needs. Thus, I chose to narrow the scope of my online interactions.

      Life is much, much too short! If you truly can't get your head around pacifists, it follows logically that you can't get your head around me.

    2. Okay, fair enough. If you don't want to interact with people whose ideologies you find offensive, that is certainly within your prerogatives. I only went to the extreme of contacting you in this forum because I was concerned that I had said something during a private conversation that offended or alarmed you. Crazy though it may be, I am somewhat relieved that it was only my political views that got me banned from your life. For the record, I stand second to no one in my hatred for war. As you know, in my own way I am religious, and every single day I say explicit prayers for the end of the scourge of war. But you have made clear that you don't want to hear from me, so I will simply say, fondly, adieu. After you have read this comment, please delete it, and the previous one with my email address.

    3. If you don't want to interact with people whose ideologies you find offensive, that is certainly within your prerogatives.

      What utterly disingenuous passive-aggressive nonsense.

      I interact, on a daily basis, with people whose political and religious ideologies fall all over the spectrum. If you'd bothered reading what I wrote above--if you'd really read it, I mean--you would not have made such an assertion. I stated that I did not appreciated being lectured on my own Facebook page about the necessity of going to war because this time it was really, really, really the right thing to do, not like those other times. Or being lectured about the actual, correct interpretation of millennia-old religious writings that have been translated over and over, when the interpretations and real-life applications thereof are as varied as snowflakes in 2012.

      I post things simply to share them and call attention to them, sometimes to opine on them, but not to be lectured and corrected. I am not a child; nor am I stupid. I disengaged several FB "friends" recently for the same reason: I would find--or personally create--a piece of writing or art. I would post it. And rather than saying, Thank you, that's nice--or, if he or she found it of no interest, just moving on, something I do all day long: skip over stuff--a few people would always begin to tear it apart, and me along with it. People, I would add, who themselves never seem to create things of their own, who just seem to exist for the purpose of criticizing the artists and writers of the world. It takes a fair bit of courage to put oneself out there, whether it is by sharing something of interest, or, much more saliently, allowing others to see and/or read something one has created. It's like being an insect pinned to a specimen board.

      In short, I got sick of the nitpicking. Yours included.

      For the record, I stand second to no one in my hatred for war.

      Rubbish. You stand second (at least) to every *actual*, bonafide pacifist who has the integrity to oppose all war of choice, no exceptions. (Pacifists--those people you said you "couldn't get your head around", remember?) You even said it was different in the case of Israel v. Iran, which means US v. Iran. Because this man really IS a threat, really DOES commit genocide, really, honestly, truly, THIS TIME...yellowcake, metal tubes, blah blah blah.

      There are certain (for lack of a better phrase) lines in the sand. Telling me--nay, lecturing me--an avowed pacifist who has never pretended otherwise, that I don't make sense to you? That's one of them.

    4. And rather than saying, Thank you, that's nice--or, if he or she found it of no interest, just moving on, something I do all day long: skip over stuff--a few people would always begin to tear it apart, and me along with it.

      Boy, does this bring back memories. Ahem. You know what I'm talking about.

      I remember one time in particular: a reader who swore up one side and down the other that she didn't have time to read something I'd written, yet, of course, who took the time not only to read it but to write a comment about it, saying, and I quote, "these posts are getting on my nerves, badly."

      I wanted to say, "Well, if you don't have time and if it gets on your nerves, then Don't. Fucking. Read. It."

      But alas, I didn't. No, instead, I wrote an understated yet lightly humorous reply, trying to inject some levity into the situation.

      Of course, rather than re-thinking her inane objection and acknowledging that I wasn't obligated to write only things that pleased her, and that no one was forcing her to read what I wrote in any case, she took offense. And bided her time until a later post when she, once again, didn't have the time to read it or comment yet did anyway, and wrote a scathing -- and deceitful -- comment. "Deceitful" is a bit too abstract; she lied.

      Ah, yes, the human comedy!

  2. And a pleasant weekend to you and yours as well, LB.


    1. DARKBLACK! How the hell are you? There is a wealth of wonderful FZ on YouTube right now, not to mention the fact that Gail has released some 50 albums to iTunes, so newbies can sample a few of Maestro's songs and explore his genius for themselves. I was stunned to find this. I hope it stays up a while.

      Enjoy the weekend, wherever you are. (Where are you?) (Are you on Twitter?)

  3. So glad you're back in blogoland.

    As you know, nothing's changed, except that things are getting worse. The police state (gasp! not the "p" word!) continues apace, the wars and slaughters are increasing, most of the populace, of whatever political stripe, doesn't give a flying fuck, and we have a choice in November between Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee.

    "Oh, but he's our Tweedle-Dum (or Tweedle-Dee)! That makes all the difference!"

    And thus the republic sinks ever further.
