After all, if this was true--if Sarah Palin had indeed faked her last pregnancy, and the little boy with Down syndrome known as Trig were not her own biological child, and the whole amazing Sarah, She-hero of the Skies labor and delivery story was completely made up out of whole cloth--why did no member of the press follow the investigation through until it was resolved in a factual manner? How could this stunning hoax about Trig, whose birth to a forty-four-year old sitting governor was trumpeted from Day One as proof positive of her pro-life bona fides, not be considered a subject worthy of proper, objective, and responsible reporting?
What did this say about the American electorate that so many were so easily duped?
What did this say about the American corporate-owned mainstream media that they all took a pass on the story; that they all, every one of them with the exception of Andrew Sullivan at The Atlantic, simply took the subject--a known, on-the-record fabulist whose catalog of lies big and small reached unprecedented dimensions within a few months of her introduction to the nation--at her word?
And finally, what did this say about the nature of the supposedly people-powered blogs, including The Daily Kos and many others, in that they banned any and all discussion of the former governor's apparent pregnancy hoax and continuing use of the innocent little special-needs boy as a political prop and sales tool, even as they investigated and pilloried male politicians who'd embellished their military histories?
I'd like to share some more e-mails. Or rather, the wonderful graphic in one, and the interesting article and photo from a British newspaper in two others.
Reader T, who now realizes this story involves considerably more than just gossip or conspiracy theories, writes:
Damn you, litbrit. I can't stop thinking about this now.
His terrific graphic includes a quote and photo from the Anchorage Daily News alongside the version he lightened himself and another photo of a clearly-pregnant Palin in her twenties (click to enlarge):

Reader V and Reader A send the link to an article in Britain's Daily Mail, about Prime Minister David Cameron's wife Samantha, who is coincidentally seven months pregnant (my emphasis):
Most airlines allow pregnant women to fly up to and including the 36th week, provided the pregnancy has been straightforward.
Mrs Cameron's baby is understood to be due in early September, meaning she could still travel if she wished.
But she pulled out of a trip last month to the G8 and G20 summits in Canada, citing exhaustion, and has apparently balked at the prospect of another long flight.
She will also miss a trip by the Prime Minister to India to promote a new 'special relationship' with Britain later this month.
'Samantha Cameron was very keen to come to India, but she won't be coming as she is expecting a baby in September,' said one British diplomat.
'The Camerons are very thrilled at the news and don't want to take any chances with the baby on the way.'
Here's the normally very slim Mrs. Cameron, who's now seven months pregnant:

I join all mothers everywhere in wishing Samantha Cameron a safe, speedy, and joyful birth experience. I'm reminded of the time during my last pregnancy, when I was boarding a short flight--from Philadelphia to Tampa--and although I was only six months along, various airline personnel stopped me and asked me, repeatedly, if I was "okay to fly". They couldn't take their eyes off my abdomen, which looked exactly like the one in that photo above: a baby bump that holds an actual baby.
For a wealth of on-the-record documents, photos, and videos, please see Palingates, especially their sidebar. In addition to Andrew Sullivan's The Daily Dish, other blogs who've covered this story for many moons include Palin's Deeptions, The Immoral Minority, and Palin Babygate.
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