"When my Russian mail-order bride divorced me in 2001, it had absolutely nothing to do with my shriveled, undersized...brain."
Le Sigh gigantesque.
Looks like the NYT has seen fit to publish yet another dispatch from the Department of Frustrated Old White Guys:
Roy Den Hollander is a Manhattan lawyer and a self-described antifeminist. Over the past year, he has sued Manhattan nightclubs for favoring women by offering ladies’ night discounts and has sued the federal government over a law that protects women from violence.Yeah, that's right: Bring teh bitchez over here to the States, and pretty soon they're all, "Roy Den, I want half." **
And now Columbia University has come within his sights. On Monday, he filed a lawsuit in United States District Court in Manhattan against Columbia for offering women’s studies courses, which Mr. Den Hollander sees as discriminatory toward men. His class-action suit accuses Columbia of using government aid to preach a “religionist belief system called feminism.” [...]
“Federal financial aid, state funds and other assistance help proselytize feminism at Columbia,” in violation of equal protection safeguards of the Fifth and 14th Amendments, claimed Mr. Den Hollander, who said, “Columbia has thrown its influence and prestige into violating the rights of men by offering a women’s studies program but no men’s studies program.”
Mr. Den Hollander devotes much of his private practice to representing men in civil cases — “antifeminist cases or guys’-rights cases,” as he puts it - and said his bitter 2001 divorce from a woman he married in Russia helped tweak his anger toward feminists and laws he sees as favoring women.
In July 2007, Mr. Den Hollander filed a class-action suit against prominent Manhattan nightclubs like Copacabana, China Club, Lotus and Sol, claiming they discriminated against men with their ladies’ nights offering free or reduced admission, which violate the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of equal protection under the law, the suit said.
In February 2008, he filed a suit against the federal government calling parts of the Violence Against Women Act unconstitutional.
Since I doubt that any of his organs, withered from disuse as they obviously are, could handle the stimulus, I won't bother pointing out to this sad excuse for a human being the hard facts and statistics showing, over and over and over, how men abuse, batter, rape, and murder women and get away with it. To wildly disproportionate degrees. And yes, right now, in the twenty-first century. Wealthy men, "educated" men, famous men, too.
* A deep and respectful curtsy to the gentlemen of Sadly, No!, who are pioneers in the emerging science of Shorterificationizing.
** According to my laptop calculator, that would be 1.25 inches.
(H/T Sir Charles)
Also at Cogitamus.
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