Shakespeare's Sister, the former stomping ground of fierce feminist blogger Melissa McEwan and friends--many, many good friends, all of whom can write, ahem--has now become the village we've all been saying it takes. Shakesville debuted today, and as ever the blog featured a terrific mix of political opinion, outrage, humor, and news. It's a group blog, it's an online magazine and community, and it's the brainchild of a talented and dedicated writer who took the time and care to encourage this writer. Without Melissa's nudging, I don't know if I'd have had the nerve to self-publish my creations and opinions in this new and exciting medium, but a little over a year ago, I wrote my first blog post evah for Shakes' Sis, and shortly thereafter joined the crew and started my own little parallel effort, now known simply as litbrit.
To our esteemed Blogboss, Melissa: Congratulations, darling! May Shakesville be the place where all your dreams leap to life.
To our esteemed Blogboss, Melissa: Congratulations, darling! May Shakesville be the place where all your dreams leap to life.
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