Gentle Reader, I assure you: with the exception of one small story in the Magical Mystery Meme post, everything I write here is non-fiction. If it's completely made-up, you'll know because the words WARNING! Fabrications ahead! will appear somewhere after Once Upon a Time... Robert is real, as are Sons One through Three, as are all furry, feathered, and scale-sporting friends, the adventures of whom are chronicled herein.
Anyway, another reader asked why I don't post some family photographs. I think most parents can understand my squickishness when it comes to putting pictures of my little ones on the Big Bad Intertubes. Shots of Robert, shots of me--no problem: we're grownups; we can properly consent to it. So can the boys, when they're grownups, too. In the meantime, however, I thought these South Park cariacatures of us, which I created at a totally cool South Park DIY site that Shakes turned me on to, would provide good visuals for my stories.
South Park Robert is so spot-on, he looks more like the actual man than Robert himself does.
Ah, you can say that about all of the characters in my life and stories, really. Check them out:

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